Sharp Tools

Abraham Lincoln reputedly said “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Whilst this is clearly meant to emphasise the importance of sharp tools, if it took him 4 hours to sharpen his axe it begs the question what sort of state did he leave it in last time he used it!?

My sharpening course will teach you everything you need to know to quickly and effectively get a razor edge on your tools. I demonstrate and discuss the theory of sharpening, before showing you all sorts of tricks and tips to really up your game when it comes to getting and keeping a keen edge. We cover different types of sharpening stones, abrasives and grits. We look at slip stones, honing guides, and using machines to really get quick results.

I have developed a number of handy jigs and devices to speed up the process - these I will also share with you.

We generally start on straight edge tools - typically plane irons, chisels, spoke shaves and draw knives. Although the course is aimed at the green woodworker, many carpenters, wood carvers and turners find the techniques are completely transferable. In the afternoon we look at curved blades, both convex and concave. This includes knives, axes, hook knives and travishers.

Absolutely brilliant day, would highly recommend to any one who uses any form of sharp metal to cut anything. Whether you you use a knife, axe, shears or plane you'll learn a huge amount about how to get it sharp and keep it sharp. So good, thank you Peter. Charlie

Depending on each participant’s needs we can also cover cabinet scrapers, carving gouges, billhooks, and any other tool, within reason, you care to bring. There is always a real sense of achievement at the end of the day when people take away their glistening edges, and even more importantly, the knowledge to keep them that way.

The next Sharpening Course is on October the 16th, 2020.

Click here to find all up-coming course dates, or here to book!


Liam's Bench


Yealm Hotel Development Benches