Working with your timber

We are occasionally approached by people wanting us to use their wood on a project. We are always happy to consider this, and will always make sure that the piece you want made is suitable for the timber you have.

This commission was placed by a woman who had been on a couple of my courses, and is made from two pieces of lignum vitae given to her by mother-in-law. They were leaves from a bigger table that had been carried and stored against various garage walls until she brought them to me and we made the table.

We sanded out all the scratches and dents in the extremely dense tropical wood to a high finish, and paired it with lovely creamy white English Ash legs split, shaved and tapered, leaving the hand-tool marks for generations to discover and enjoy. The edges we worked with a spokeshave, giving the whole thing a feeling of hand-made quality.

Do let me know via the Commission page if you’d like a special piece of furniture made from your own timber.


Creative Seating - green wood furniture making


Ceramics Display Table